NetApp Health and Quota Check (v1.0)

This script is made in the same all-in-one fashion as my other perl plugins and only uses numeric OIDs (no need for the netapp MIBs) and “should” therefor be quite fast.

A single run like “./check_netapp -H HOSTNAME -C COMMUNITY” will check the following:

  • fsOverallStatus
  • all raidPStatus entries
  • enclPowerSuppliesStatus
  • enclFansStatus
  • enclElectronicsStatus
  • enclTempSensorsOverTempStatus (warnings and failures)

also the following will be checked

  • quota hard limits (qrV2QuotaUnlimited)
  • quota soft limits (qrV2SoftQuotaUnlimited)
  • quota thresholds (qrV2ThresholdUnlimited)

Please give me some feedback at if you find this useful – my possibilities at testing are limited to the use of my SNMP simulator (see below).

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DOWNLOAD: check_netapp (4520 downloads )

Compaq-HP Proliant Server and Blade Checks (v2.1)

Check CPUs, fans, array controllers, logical / physical drives, temperature and power supplies on your Proliant servers or blade systems through SNMP.

The plugin uses Compaq/HPs Insight Manager SNMP Agents installed on either Windows or Linux machines to check CPUs, fans, array controllers, logical / physical drives, temperature and power supplies on your Proliant servers or blade systems.

Compaq MIBs are included in the attached archive. This is mainly the same as version 2 (see below), except it now handles a counter for every hardware component checked. If zero values are returned by the snmp agent, the plugin exits with a WARNING state.

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DOWNLOAD: check plugins for Compaq/HP (4618 downloads )

Host-Resource-MIB queries: cpu, processes, storage (v3.2)

Version 3.1 introduced an unwanted behaviour on checking partial paths on Unix. For example “/” would also hit “/var” if it was first in the list. So the “feature” (not a bug) of an exact match has now been added.

This means you don’t need to state the full storage name as a parameter, which makes it possible to use this service-check on a whole hostgroup in Nagios, i.e. check “C:” on all “windows-servers” in a single blow, while still allowing for exact matches on Unix-like systems.

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DOWNLOAD: check plugins for Host-Ressource-MIB (4447 downloads )

Host-Resource-MIB queries: cpu, processes, storage (v3.1)

Version 3.1 changed the way the storage-name is checked

  • from $response->{$key} eq $volumeName
  • to $response->{$key} =~ /^$volumeName/

This means you don’t need to state the full storage name as a parameter, which makes it possible to use this service-check on a whole hostgroup in Nagios, i.e. check “C:” on all “windows-servers” in a single blow.

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DOWNLOAD: check plugins for Host-Ressource-MIB (4404 downloads )

Host-Resource-MIB queries: cpu, processes, storage (v3.0)

Query the Host Resource MIB of various operating systems for cpu usage, processes and storage/volumes. These scripts have been tested against Linux and Windows XP, but should do the job for any other OS as well.

These versions are complete rewrites in Perl and only use OID-Trees, so you don’t need to add the Host-Resource-MIB to your local configuration.

Version 3.0 includes the new check_hr_cpuload script which allows you to monitor the CPU usage over longer time periods, which in general should be more interesting than a single-point-in-time check:

  • data history is stored in small files on a per-host basis (defaults to /tmp)
  • the amount of data-points is configurable (defaults to 10)

Basically this is an extension of the check_hr_cpu script and therefor works the same for multiple CPUs. If there should be any interest in having an addition switch on both scripts to identify the cpuID let me know. I personally guess there is no big need in having such a restriction.

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DOWNLOAD: check plugins for Host-Ressource-MIB (4429 downloads )

CSS support for column width in “service details”

This patch has been created against Nagios version 3.0.6 but could still work in future versions that make use of Nagios’ C-based CGI interfaces.

Change into the source tree and apply the patch:

  • cd nagios-3.0.6
  • patch -p 0 < status.c-column-width-patch.diff

In order to set the column width edit the apropirate CSS file (share/stylesheets/status.css) and add these lines, while changing them as needed:

.statusHost {  }
.statusService { width: 300px; }
.statusStatus {  }
.statusCheck {  }
.statusDuration {  }
.statusAttempt {  }
.statusInformation {  }

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DOWNLOAD: CSS column support for (4986 downloads )

SNMP Agent simulator (Net-SNMP/PHP)

This little (quick and dirty) application allows you simulate any kind of SNMP agent, just by having an export of its numeric OID tree.

For instance this is usefull for offline-development of new check-plugins. You don’t need physical access to the SNMP server running the agents. All you need is a numeric SNMP-dump of the actual tree you are interested in, which may be obtained in a single on-site run. An example of the LanManager (77) tree beyond enterprises ( could look like:

  • snmpwalk -O n -C c -c public -v 2c myhostname | sort >lanmgr.dump

While some agents don’t supply OIDs in increasing order, we can work around that using “-C c” and “sort” in this example.

As soon as you are done with this just copy the output (here “lanmgr.dump”) and integrate it into your own SNMP daemon. In order to add the LanManager tree to your local Net-SNMP daemon you would add the following line to /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf:

  • pass_persist . /usr/local/sbin/mySNMPagent.php /tmp/lanmgr.dump

ATTENTION: this is a tool in very early stage of development. While it may be useful for a lot of cases, there was no heavy testing so far. Multiline hex-output is not yet supported. Other stuff may be missing.

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DOWNLOAD: mySNMPagent (4668 downloads )