PHP EPP library IT-NIC (v3.2)

Support for IDN domain names added. It runs nicely on the testing system and should become available to the general public at some point in 2011 when the Italian Registry goes into production with IDN domain names. At this point I fixed the sendRequest method in the client class which (wrongly) always used utf8_encode() on the data to be sent. This issue led to double-encoding in cases where your data was already in UTF-8 format. For those of you feeding data in ISO-8859-1 format I added the forceUTF8 configuration parameter. I have added an example for IDN registration (032) and fixed example number 011 from which it derives. The german ‘sz’ (alias ‘ß’) will be encoded as ‘ss’, since DNS checks on the testing system require it to be handled this way.

Also added in this version:

  • domain status clientLock (can only be viewed and will be assigned when setting clientHold)
  • parsing of credit information in creditMsgData messages (no longer handled as ‘unknown’)
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DOWNLOAD: EPP library IT-NIC (PHP) (4215 downloads )

PHP EPP library IT-NIC (v3.1)

A typo inside the domain object fixed. Thanks Luca!

Thanks to the guys at the registry and the new accreditation test 2.0 I found the status option clientTransferProhibited was missing. Now everything is fine and ready for accreditation test version 2.0. I also added support to correctly handle multiple domain states to the domain object, including updates to all examples.

Also added support for the crDate and exDate domain information. This requires a very small update to the DB as well, but comes along with the big advantage that you can do credit-forecasts. Obviously this would only be an approximation though!

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DOWNLOAD:  EPP library IT-NIC (PHP) (4117 downloads )

PHP EPP library IT-NIC (v3.0 release candidate 2)

Include path in all examples is now based on the __FILE__ constant. You may therefor launch a file from whatever path you are in. In order for that, the internal behaviour of the Client class (which locates and reads the config.xml file) has been altered as well. This now extends nicely to the new WSDL class and we don’t need an ugly, separate config file for it anymore.

Smarty default values should be kept empty from now on. The smarty compile folder still needs write permissions (ie. www-data on Debian/Ubuntu if you are trying to use the WSDL interface). If this is not granted the Client class will try to failback to ‘/tmp’, emit warnings in case of success and die with an error message in case of a failure.

Any transferStatus query now fills the reID/acID fields (if set) and new Smarty and adoDB libraries have been added.

With some luck this is going to be the last RC version before 3.0 (expect it next week). On my side most things work pretty well now 🙂

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DOWNLOAD:  EPP library IT-NIC (PHP) (4173 downloads )

PHP EPP library IT-NIC (v3.0 release candidate 1)

Bug fixes as usual, but now a few things more are completed and tested (at least as far as I can tell). Among the fixes: Domain and Contact object values are now re-initialized before every fetch from either DB or EPP servers.

The main news: messages from the polling queue are now parsed and stored in human-readable format in their own table (3 new examples are included). As far as possible they are aggregated by a LEFT JOIN to the domain names. If those are stored in the DB as well, you will get nicely readable notices on a per-domain base, which for example may be interesting and useful in order to handle domain transfers.

Out of security considerations the WSDL interface has been moved into its own subfolder called ‘private/’. The apache configuration example, documentation and script have all been updated to fit that purpose.

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DOWNLOAD:  EPP library IT-NIC (PHP) (3989 downloads )

PHP EPP library IT-NIC (v3.0 beta 2)

Hi everyone! Looks like a big upgrade and yes, that is what it is going to be. The new version comes with some changes in the DB schema and WSDL support. The later should already be quite usable, while the former won’t make much sense as as stand-alone thing, but only in conjunction with an eventual web application. The former may also be a reason for you not to update right now.

There are a few bug fixes in this release, which I am not planing on integrating with the old version/schema, so you should think about upgrading (SQL upgrade schemas included) as soon as version 3.0 is available.

The documentation now resides in the ‘docs’ folder, where you will also find a WSDL specification (PDF format) and a new ‘TODO’ file on what is yet planned for the next version. The WSDL thing obviously comes with a bunch of WSDL-client examples; please see the ‘examples-wsdl’ folder.

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DOWNLOAD: EPP library IT-NIC (PHP) (3991 downloads )

iPhone / iPad VPNs to Ubuntu Server 8.04/10.04 (v1.1)

Hi everyone,

lately I have been testing more than one IPsec configuration and I’m not convinced by what is currently provided by Ubuntu/Debian and I now don’t think OpenSWAN to be the best solution available.

Actually I ran into the following issues while trying OpenSWAN and StrongSWAN as provided by Ubuntu 8.04 and 10.04:

  • Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (openswan 2.4.9): client connections are dropped after 60 minutes (see
  • Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (openswan 2.6.23): responses to L2TP requests are not encapsulated in IPsec; since the original L2TP request was encapsulated in IPsec any client located behind a NAT-device (ADSL router, internal company network et. al.) won’t be able to receive the response – the response will be dropped by the NAT-device (see
  • Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (strongswan 4.1.9) and Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (strongswan 4.3.2): NAT-T support is not enabled in the binary; this is defined as “not safe” in the build script “debian/rules” which is more or less a bit of a headache, since everyone of us trying to use a mobile device from WIFI networks will at some point in time need support for this

While trying out different versions of OpenSWAN I stumbled from one issue (and bug) into the next. I finally decided to settle for StrongSWAN and followed Niels’ advice (see on how to re-build a StrongSWAN package with NAT-T support.

Even though I’m no security expert, I believe it to be a bad choice by the original package maintainers not to include NAT-T support. It should be up to us sys-admins to decide whether or not we want to activate it. If you don’t compile support for it into the binary, you take the choice for this vital component (IMHO) away from us! Just put “nat_traversal=no” and a nice comment about it “possibly” not being safe into the package’s default configuration file!

PLEASE NOTICE: StrongSWAN’s NAT-T “possibly not being safe” does not refer to an implementation issue with this feature but to the specification itself!!

I guess not everyone has a mind to re-build the whole package, so I’ll provide pre-compiled StrongSWAN packages with activated NAT-T support for Ubuntu 8.04 LTS / 10.04 LTS.

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DOWNLOADS: iPhone / iPad VPN and firewall example configuration (6350 downloads )

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