PHP EPP library IT-NIC (v3.0 release candidate 1)

Bug fixes as usual, but now a few things more are completed and tested (at least as far as I can tell). Among the fixes: Domain and Contact object values are now re-initialized before every fetch from either DB or EPP servers.

The main news: messages from the polling queue are now parsed and stored in human-readable format in their own table (3 new examples are included). As far as possible they are aggregated by a LEFT JOIN to the domain names. If those are stored in the DB as well, you will get nicely readable notices on a per-domain base, which for example may be interesting and useful in order to handle domain transfers.

Out of security considerations the WSDL interface has been moved into its own subfolder called ‘private/’. The apache configuration example, documentation and script have all been updated to fit that purpose.

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PHP EPP library IT-NIC (v3.0 beta 2)

Hi everyone! Looks like a big upgrade and yes, that is what it is going to be. The new version comes with some changes in the DB schema and WSDL support. The later should already be quite usable, while the former won’t make much sense as as stand-alone thing, but only in conjunction with an eventual web application. The former may also be a reason for you not to update right now.

There are a few bug fixes in this release, which I am not planing on integrating with the old version/schema, so you should think about upgrading (SQL upgrade schemas included) as soon as version 3.0 is available.

The documentation now resides in the ‘docs’ folder, where you will also find a WSDL specification (PDF format) and a new ‘TODO’ file on what is yet planned for the next version. The WSDL thing obviously comes with a bunch of WSDL-client examples; please see the ‘examples-wsdl’ folder.

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PHP EPP library IT-NIC (v2.9)

Two more bugs found by Luca have been corrected.

1) Using an “in_array” comparision containing a boolean TRUE will cause this to match ANY string passed to it, since “in_array” does not do type-safe comparisons. This error relates to the values for “consentforpublishing” and has caused every contact (where it was manually assigned a string value) to be created with it set to ‘TRUE’ instead of whatever was your intention!

2) The storage driver will not save the “consentforpublishing” information correctly. The SQL-type for it was defined to be MySQL’s tinyint by the schema provided in all versions. Since all doStore() calls will encapsulate every variable in between two single apostrophes (ie. ‘value’), this has caused every contact to be saved with “consentforpublishing” set to ‘0’.

ATTENTION! Everyone using the storage driver provided with an implementation up to 2.9 will therefor have lost information about the “consentforpublishing” value. Everyone is strongly advised to UPGRADE and check backups and set things straight with!

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DOWNLOAD: EPP library IT-NIC (PHP) (4005 downloads )

PHP EPP library IT-NIC (v2.8.1)

Removed a minor error from the update-domain template which caused the removal of NS records to fail. Also updated both CLI examples for updating NS and tech-c records in order to support adding or removing of multiple values in one go.

Thanks Marco for pointing both out!

Cleaned up the ‘CLI-generic-update-domain-authinfo.php’ example and combined a common interface to all major update operations inside of a single example called ‘CLI-generic-domain-script.php’.

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DOWNLOAD: EPP library IT-NIC (PHP) (3842 downloads )

PHP EPP library IT-NIC (v2.7)

Adding NS records and technical contacts that already exist will no longer be treated as a change to the domain. By accident print_r-statements were left behind in release 2.6; this has been corrected.

Cleanup of lines 224 and 225 in Contact.php causing an E_NOTICE if using sanity_check() with a phone number that has no dot (.) as a separator. Thanks to Luca!
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DOWNLOAD: EPP library IT-NIC (PHP) (4025 downloads )

PHP EPP library IT-NIC (v2.6)

The changes applied to Domain.php between r45 and r57 have been undone and simplified by using array_diff. The library should now correctly handle multiple technical contacts (also by using array_diff’s). Technical contact handling has been adapted in both the create and update domain templates. Thanks Marco for your input! Please pay attention that a get()-method-call for the value of ‘tech’ will still result in a string instead of an array when only one contact is set. This may cause some issues if you end up with a domain that owns more than one, so better DON’T rely on it being a string! Please see the included sample files “CLI-generic-fetch-domain.php”, “CLI-generic-update-domain-techc.php” and “028-enhanced-db-layout.php”.

The library should now correctly handle multiple technical contacts. Technical contact handling has been adapted in both the create and update domain templates. The changes applied to Domain.php between r45 and r57 have been undone and simplified in the same way. Thanks Marco for your input!

Please pay attention that a get()-method-call for the value of ‘tech’ will still result in a string instead of an array when only one contact is set. This may cause some issues if you end up with a domain that owns more than one, so better DON’T rely on it being a string and have a look at the example provided in “CLI-generic-fetch-domain.php”!

Last not least there are 2 new sample files “CLI-generic-update-domain-techc.php” and “028-enhanced-db-layout.php” that you may find useful.

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DOWNLOAD: EPP library IT-NIC (PHP) (3747 downloads )