PHP EPP library IT-NIC (v4.0)

Some smaller fixes and updates (DB layout for webinterface, which now supports automatization of TECH-C + DNS updates).

Added an example that shows how to do extend the DB driver for searching serialized DB fields.

Support for multiple smarty versions added. The library now comes with a version 2 and a verion 3 release. Depending on your PHP_VERSION_ID the correct one to be used is selected.

The set method for contacts now makes use of htmlspecialchars() in order to convert ampersands and other stuff.

Big switch from the PEAR class HTTP_Client to CURL. This is the main reason for the change in major number. The current version now allows you to choose the leaving IP/interface, which should be useful for multi-homed servers and hosting solutions.

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PHP EPP webinterface IT-NIC (v1.14)

The current version automates the domain-update (TECH-C + DNS) after a transfer-in operation.

Also some minor and one major bug introduced in version 1.13 have been fixed.

Please note: the webinterface is not free and restricted by a license check.

PHP EPP library IT-NIC (v3.6)

The isTrue method inside of the Contact object did a value and type check on it’s argument and therefor compared only to numeric 1 instead of also comparing to the string “1”. Fixed.

Parent contstructors (domain / contact objects) are now called as first thing in the objects own constructor.

Some troubles found when using Smarty 3 with PHP 5.2 (ie. Ubuntu 8.04 LTS). I’m still undecided whether to downgraade back to Smarty 2 or not.

When updating the registrant and using the updateDB domain method, the owning userID (agent ID) is now changed. The variable name userID has now be changed to lowercase “userid” everywhere. This could have some impact in different places – please pay attention to it!

You can now remove the fax value from a contact by leaving it blank.

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PHP EPP library IT-NIC (v3.4)

Updated the status fields for tbl_contacts and tbl_domains, which were still and wrongly set to tinyint. They need to be text in order to support serialized status information (text array). Thanks Marcello!

Added displayAccounting switch for the webinterface. When set, the webinterface will display accounting information in the same way the polling queue is displayed.

Updated Smarty to version 3.0.6. The client-constructor now uses the $_file_perms and $_dir_perms variables when failback to /tmp for compile_dir is active. The failback now emitts a E_USER_NOTICE instead of E_USER_WARNING.

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PHP EPP library IT-NIC (v3.2)

Support for IDN domain names added. It runs nicely on the testing system and should become available to the general public at some point in 2011 when the Italian Registry goes into production with IDN domain names. At this point I fixed the sendRequest method in the client class which (wrongly) always used utf8_encode() on the data to be sent. This issue led to double-encoding in cases where your data was already in UTF-8 format. For those of you feeding data in ISO-8859-1 format I added the forceUTF8 configuration parameter. I have added an example for IDN registration (032) and fixed example number 011 from which it derives. The german ‘sz’ (alias ‘ß’) will be encoded as ‘ss’, since DNS checks on the testing system require it to be handled this way.

Also added in this version:

  • domain status clientLock (can only be viewed and will be assigned when setting clientHold)
  • parsing of credit information in creditMsgData messages (no longer handled as ‘unknown’)
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PHP EPP library IT-NIC (v3.1)

A typo inside the domain object fixed. Thanks Luca!

Thanks to the guys at the registry and the new accreditation test 2.0 I found the status option clientTransferProhibited was missing. Now everything is fine and ready for accreditation test version 2.0. I also added support to correctly handle multiple domain states to the domain object, including updates to all examples.

Also added support for the crDate and exDate domain information. This requires a very small update to the DB as well, but comes along with the big advantage that you can do credit-forecasts. Obviously this would only be an approximation though!

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PHP EPP library IT-NIC (v3.0 release candidate 2)

Include path in all examples is now based on the __FILE__ constant. You may therefor launch a file from whatever path you are in. In order for that, the internal behaviour of the Client class (which locates and reads the config.xml file) has been altered as well. This now extends nicely to the new WSDL class and we don’t need an ugly, separate config file for it anymore.

Smarty default values should be kept empty from now on. The smarty compile folder still needs write permissions (ie. www-data on Debian/Ubuntu if you are trying to use the WSDL interface). If this is not granted the Client class will try to failback to ‘/tmp’, emit warnings in case of success and die with an error message in case of a failure.

Any transferStatus query now fills the reID/acID fields (if set) and new Smarty and adoDB libraries have been added.

With some luck this is going to be the last RC version before 3.0 (expect it next week). On my side most things work pretty well now 🙂

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DOWNLOAD:  EPP library IT-NIC (PHP) (4508 downloads )