Compaq-HP Proliant Server and Blade Checks (v3.4)

As reported by 2024-12-24 @ 02:27 CEST, HPE seems to have introduced something like a standby status (with integer value “10”) in cpqDaPhyDrvStatus.

Unfortunately this state is not included in the latest MIB published by HPE “cpqida.mib” version 11.85 dated Apr. 28, 2023:

This version tries to handle that specific state, even though the whole issue seems to be badly handled (first there should be no OK-states above integer ID 2, second there should be no functionality not-documented/reflected in the MIB).

Mason has tested this and it seems to work, but I’d be glad for any further feedback and/or updates to the official HPE MIBs.

I no longer include the MIBs in this archive. Please refer to HPEs webpage (see above).

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Updates to all Nagios/Icinga check plugins

This is a collection of updates to all SNMP-based plugins:

  • SNMPv3 authentication by username/password pairs fixed
  • indentation of all perl files fixed using ‘perltidy -ce -i=2 -pt=2 -l=0’
  • SVN tags $Revision$ and $Rev$ replaced by $Id$
  • $Id$ now handled by .git/info/attributes after moving from SVN to GIT

List of plugins and versions order:

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Compaq-HP Proliant Server and Blade Checks (v3.2 beta)

Sorry everyone for taking so long for an update… and then this! I have really no chance to test these anymore, so please be aware that this version is NOT tested. Please send me and email if you still find it useful and it works (if not please send me a patch to fix things, thank you!)

Ah yes… credits are to be found in the ChangeLog!

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Compaq-HP Proliant Server and Blade Checks (v2.20)

Quick progress these days… as of Andrew Gray’s inquiry I added support for retrieving Smart Array CPU information. This is not active by default and may be used to check and/or gather performance data.

As usual I cleaned some code parts. This time there are some improvements to the output of ‘–help’ and more important to the output of the debug switch (‘-d|–debug’).


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Compaq-HP Proliant Server and Blade Checks (v2.19)

The plugin now displays some product information like model, serial number, form factor and asset tag (if given). Thanks to Billy Szkoda for asking for this feature!

Please note: this information is now retrieved by default on every query. If you don’t need or don’t like the idea, or you’d rather have higher performance on a big network, just skip this using ‘-x cpqSystemInfo’ and you’ll get the behaviour as it was before.

Some minor code cleanup done in between.

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Compaq-HP Proliant Server and Blade Checks (v2.18)

Updated state information for newer generations of HP equipment. Thanks to Jason Wasser who pointet out an error and by debugging helped discover the missing information provided by new Gen9 servers.

This release now includes the latest MIBS as they are freely available with the HP SIM 7.4 release.

Last not least, after Jason pointed this out, the /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins folder is now automatically searched as well.

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Compaq-HP Proliant Server and Blade Checks (v2.16)

Thanks this time to an improvement by Steffen Weinreich who added a parameter that allow “requiring” the presence of some subsystems (they not being there during the check being the issue at hand). Use it by specifying the following:

-r subsystem1,subsystem2,…

PS: please verify if the library-settings work for you. If they don’t and you think you have a quite common path, let me know and I’ll add it to the next release!

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DOWNLOAD:  check plugins for Compaq/HP (7096 downloads )

PS: v2.16 is a bugfix-release for v2.15 and v2.14 – those were broken because of the automatic libexec folder-discovery! Sorry to everyone – it took me 2 months to get to fix things!!