NetApp Health and Quota Check (v1.6)

After different requests I have now implemented an “include” parameter which allows you to select the checks to be executed. Release 1.4 just fixes an ugly output warning when omitting the fsOverallStatus check, while 1.5 cleans up and simplifies overall output. Release 1.6 adds an option for shortening quota/threshold message output and corrects information about thresholds given by the help-option.

As usual any feedback is welcome!
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DOWNLOAD: check_netapp (7085 downloads )

PHP EPP library IT-NIC (v1.0)

A first release of a PHP library for IT-NIC’s future EPP implementation. This release covers:

  • 1 XML configuration file
  • 4 main classes (Client, Session, Contact, Domain) and phpdoc documentation
  • 22 examples
  • a storage interface to save data (at the moment it comes with just one implementation using ADOdb) to be used to aggregate operations with messages from the polling queue (clTRID field)
  • the Client class uses PEAR’s HTTP_Client ( to handle sessions
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DOWNLOAD: EPP library IT-NIC (PHP) (4891 downloads )

NetApp Health and Quota Check (v1.2)

Another useful comment by Jim:

“This weekend our regularly scheduled disk scrubbing caused check_netapp to go into warning state, because the plugin regards any response to the raid check that isn’t ‘1’ or ‘6’ to be a warning state. The truth is that most of the possible states are OK states — just a couple are problems.”

So this has now changed to regard the RAID states as follows:

crit = 6
warn = 2 3
ok   = 1 4 5 7 8

Thanks again Jim!

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DOWNLOAD: check_netapp (3403 downloads )

NetApp Health and Quota Check (v1.1)

This is an update to correct a “it’s a feature not a bug” situation reported by Jim King, where filers with disabled quotas would cause the plugin to bail out giving an error message.

Jim also commented:

“I’m looking at your check_netapp plugin for Nagios – it works pretty well, and is extremely fast!”

Thanks Jim!

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DOWNLOAD: check_netapp (4264 downloads )

NetApp Health and Quota Check (v1.0)

This script is made in the same all-in-one fashion as my other perl plugins and only uses numeric OIDs (no need for the netapp MIBs) and “should” therefor be quite fast.

A single run like “./check_netapp -H HOSTNAME -C COMMUNITY” will check the following:

  • fsOverallStatus
  • all raidPStatus entries
  • enclPowerSuppliesStatus
  • enclFansStatus
  • enclElectronicsStatus
  • enclTempSensorsOverTempStatus (warnings and failures)

also the following will be checked

  • quota hard limits (qrV2QuotaUnlimited)
  • quota soft limits (qrV2SoftQuotaUnlimited)
  • quota thresholds (qrV2ThresholdUnlimited)

Please give me some feedback at if you find this useful – my possibilities at testing are limited to the use of my SNMP simulator (see below).

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DOWNLOAD: check_netapp (4279 downloads )