This is a collection of updates to all SNMP-based plugins:
- SNMPv3 authentication by username/password pairs fixed
- indentation of all perl files fixed using ‘perltidy -ce -i=2 -pt=2 -l=0’
- SVN tags $Revision$ and $Rev$ replaced by $Id$
- $Id$ now handled by .git/info/attributes after moving from SVN to GIT
List of plugins and versions order:
- check plugin for Citrix snmp4ctx agent (22385 downloads ) v1.2
- check plugin for comet WebSensor T0510 (22401 downloads ) v1.1
- (NEW) check plugin for Dell Poweredge (19217 downloads ) v1.1
- check plugin for Compaq/HP (20675 downloads ) v3.3
- check plugin collection for host ressources (23036 downloads ) v3.9
- check plugin for NetApp SAN (22806 downloads ) v1.8
- check plugin for Netvision Socomec UPS (22162 downloads ) v1.1
- check plugin for Windows services (23206 downloads ) v1.4