PHP EPP library IT-NIC (v3.6)

The isTrue method inside of the Contact object did a value and type check on it’s argument and therefor compared only to numeric 1 instead of also comparing to the string “1”. Fixed.

Parent contstructors (domain / contact objects) are now called as first thing in the objects own constructor.

Some troubles found when using Smarty 3 with PHP 5.2 (ie. Ubuntu 8.04 LTS). I’m still undecided whether to downgraade back to Smarty 2 or not.

When updating the registrant and using the updateDB domain method, the owning userID (agent ID) is now changed. The variable name userID has now be changed to lowercase “userid” everywhere. This could have some impact in different places – please pay attention to it!

You can now remove the fax value from a contact by leaving it blank.

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DOWNLOAD:  EPP library IT-NIC (PHP) (4753 downloads )