PHP EPP library IT-NIC (v3.0 beta 2)

Hi everyone! Looks like a big upgrade and yes, that is what it is going to be. The new version comes with some changes in the DB schema and WSDL support. The later should already be quite usable, while the former won’t make much sense as as stand-alone thing, but only in conjunction with an eventual web application. The former may also be a reason for you not to update right now.

There are a few bug fixes in this release, which I am not planing on integrating with the old version/schema, so you should think about upgrading (SQL upgrade schemas included) as soon as version 3.0 is available.

The documentation now resides in the ‘docs’ folder, where you will also find a WSDL specification (PDF format) and a new ‘TODO’ file on what is yet planned for the next version. The WSDL thing obviously comes with a bunch of WSDL-client examples; please see the ‘examples-wsdl’ folder.

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DOWNLOAD: EPP library IT-NIC (PHP) (4256 downloads )