PHP EPP library IT-NIC (v2.6)

The changes applied to Domain.php between r45 and r57 have been undone and simplified by using array_diff. The library should now correctly handle multiple technical contacts (also by using array_diff’s). Technical contact handling has been adapted in both the create and update domain templates. Thanks Marco for your input! Please pay attention that a get()-method-call for the value of ‘tech’ will still result in a string instead of an array when only one contact is set. This may cause some issues if you end up with a domain that owns more than one, so better DON’T rely on it being a string! Please see the included sample files “CLI-generic-fetch-domain.php”, “CLI-generic-update-domain-techc.php” and “028-enhanced-db-layout.php”.

The library should now correctly handle multiple technical contacts. Technical contact handling has been adapted in both the create and update domain templates. The changes applied to Domain.php between r45 and r57 have been undone and simplified in the same way. Thanks Marco for your input!

Please pay attention that a get()-method-call for the value of ‘tech’ will still result in a string instead of an array when only one contact is set. This may cause some issues if you end up with a domain that owns more than one, so better DON’T rely on it being a string and have a look at the example provided in “CLI-generic-fetch-domain.php”!

Last not least there are 2 new sample files “CLI-generic-update-domain-techc.php” and “028-enhanced-db-layout.php” that you may find useful.

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