This script is made in the same all-in-one fashion as my other perl plugins and only uses numeric OIDs (no need for the netapp MIBs) and “should” therefor be quite fast.
A single run like “./check_netapp -H HOSTNAME -C COMMUNITY” will check the following:
- fsOverallStatus
- all raidPStatus entries
- enclPowerSuppliesStatus
- enclFansStatus
- enclElectronicsStatus
- enclTempSensorsOverTempStatus (warnings and failures)
also the following will be checked
- quota hard limits (qrV2QuotaUnlimited)
- quota soft limits (qrV2SoftQuotaUnlimited)
- quota thresholds (qrV2ThresholdUnlimited)
Please give me some feedback at if you find this useful – my possibilities at testing are limited to the use of my SNMP simulator (see below).
DOWNLOAD: check_netapp (4519 downloads )